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Sunday 27 January 2013

vintage religious iconography

Although I am an atheist I do believe in the spirit and soul
and I feel that the spirit lives on after death on this earthly plane.

I love the iconography and paraphenalia of organised religion
and am especially drawn to the associated bells and smells.

On Christmas Eve 2012, at midnight, you could have found Senor
handsome and I at midnight mass.


When out and about buying 'old' in France I find it hard to resist
religious medallions and plaster statuettes and have quite a
collection - {sadly boxed up in Bulgaria!].

The few I have stashed here in Spain are coming up for sale and I am
praying to the powers that be/universe for many minor miracles.

Afterall we all need a miracle sometimes don't we?

x ...   ***


1 comment:

polkadotpeticoat said...

I think there beautiful too....Heidi

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